The Versatile Blogger Award

Thanks to Bardic Blogger ( and Tammy Holloway ( I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! Considering my blog hasn’t been around that long, I’m honored and flattered to be recognized!

The Award has three parts:

#1: Thank the person who nominated you.

#2: Pass this award to 15 newly discovered bloggers and let them know you included them in your post.

#3: List 7 things about yourself.

Okay, here goes:

#1: Thank you to Tammy Holloway & the Bardic Blogger. I’m honored!

#2: I’ve been doing a lot of blog reading lately, trying to connect with people on WordPress, talk about writing and stories, and get into blogging. It’s been fun. Luckily, it’s also made it easier for me to think of 15 newly discovered blogs that I’m really interested in and I think are great! These are in no particular order.

1- Tammy Holloway. She’s supported A Story Every Day, and I love reading her posts that play off of the words “write” and “right.” She is encouraging, inspiring, and just… honest!

2- The Daily Writer. Features posts on writing, interviews with writers, writing conventions and the like – everything having to do with writing. A great resource!

3- Siobhan Curious. I love the posts here about education, and honestly, I usually agree with them. I’m fascinated by the topic of writing and learning intertwined, as well as the subject of teaching writing, so naturally I find myself interested in this blog. They always get me thinking!

4- Cresting the Words. This blogger likes language. So do I. This blogger likes playing with words. So do I. This blogger writes. So do I. … Enough said!

5- BohemiaSpeaks. I’m not usually a huge fan of poetry, but I really like this blogger’s stuff. The fact that this poetry has actually captured me speaks volumes.

6- C.B. Wentworth. Candid and personal. I genuinely enjoy reading what she shares and seeing how we relate.

7- The Witty Gritty. So recently discovered that I’ve only read the post about seating on airplanes. It was too true. And also funny, in an odd way.

8- Words from the Woods. She relates writing life to her real, every day life.

9- L.S. Engler. Blogs about her writing journey, and blogs about writer and author quotes (my favorite part!).

10- Caffeine for the Creative Soul. Puts writing into drawings, and vice versa. Love it!

11- Savvy Writing Careers with Rebecca. Provides tips and insights into writing careers and freelancing.

12- Writers in the Storm. Professional and published sharing their journeys, and their thoughts. They work together to support each other through the wild ride of producing some stellar work, getting feedback, revising, getting published, etc!

13- Brainstorms & Bylines. Helpful for new writers and savvy writers a like. Gives newer writers some encouragement and a lot to think about.

14- Wordsmith Six. Six writers who delve into different genres and topics, sharing their stories and their experiences as well as their views and thoughts. Always some kind of provoking thought to read.

15- The Urban Hippie. I simply love her photography style, and I find it inspiring for my own.

#3: List seven things about yourself.

Hmmm. Well, as you can imagine, every one in the world has much  more than seven things going on. I’m just going to list seven things that relate to me deeply, and you can get an idea of a brief mold of where I come from…

1. Italy/Italian. I speak Italian; I’ve lived in Italy three times. Speaking in a different language makes me feel like I’m deeply using my brain.

2. Horses. I’ve ridden since I was 9. I have a beautiful thoroughbred who I am very much in love with.

3. Writing. Well, obviously.

4. Photography. I like to take pictures. Of everything. I like to mess with them in Photoshop and Lightroom. It’s an art I’m actually good at – I certainly can’t draw or paint so well!

5. People. I believe in relationships. Take that as you will!

6. The outdoors. I like to hike, camp, run, bike, rollerblade, and breathe fresh air. It’s important. This is why I don’t like large, humongous cities and I’m not sure I could ever live in one.

7. Travel. It’s how we learn, and it’s how we become independent. (Try it if you don’t believe me! 🙂 )

What are your favorite blogs? Why do you like them? I’m excited to hear!

21 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award

    • The Versatile Blogger Award recognizes those bloggers who inspire creativity and thinking with their writing and sharing. It represents what blogging is all about – sharing constructively to provoke critical thought and conversation and build connections between those who share! 🙂

  1. On behalf of Writers In The Storm, I wanted to say THANK YOU for the Versatile Blogger Award. We are so honored. 🙂

    Especially looking at the company you have us keeping above. Thanks again!

  2. Thank you! Cool to hear from you, I had no clue you were reading me!
    I’m a bit clueless however as to what it means? Apart from the very flattering mention, of course! 😉

    • The Versatile Blogger Award recognizes those bloggers who inspire creativity and thinking with their writing and sharing. It represents what blogging is all about – sharing constructively to provoke critical thought and conversation and build connections between those who share!

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination! I’m really glad you’ve been enjoying the writer quotes posts especially; I usually do those when I’ve got nothing else to write about, and they wind up being people’s favorites, heh! I can’t wait for things to settle down around here a little bit so I can actually get to reading some of your blog more!

  4. Pingback: I’m a Versatile Blogger Again! « L.S. Engler

  5. Thanks so much for the honor!

    I like many of the same things you do, though sadly I’ve not had the pleasure of living out of country. Sounds like some great novel fodder…


  6. Thank you so much for the Versatile Blogger Award. It’s a really great compliment. it’s going to take some thought to follow those guidelines. I hope you’re having a great weekend. Tim

  7. Pingback: awards are being awarded « cresting the words

  8. Pingback: Got Blog Bling? Awards and Inspiration | Words from the Woods

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